Private company oriented towards market concept and quality services.


BATIONO Frédéric Nébila Rural development Engineer Expert in Strategic Planning and Operational Management Programme and Project Evaluation Expert

Rural development Engineer
Expert in Strategic Planning and Operational
Management Programme and Project Evaluation Expert

Mr. BATIONO F. Nébila is the promoter of the CIDS project. He is an engineer in rural development at the grassroots level with a dozen of certificates to his credit on issues such as (i) development of agricultural value chains, (ii) business support, (iii) design and evaluation of development projects and programmes, (iv) conduct of feasibility studies, (v) design of PPP type projects, (vi) facilitation and elaboration of development strategies and resource mobilisation, etc. He has over 15 years of practical field experience in West Africa and collaborations in Europe.

He has appropriated the practices of the main development support partners operating in Burkina Faso and West Africa such as the EU, AGRA, Woord en Daad, ENABEL, ADA Luxembourg, CFSI, USAID, UNDP, Netherlands Embassy, Mastercard Foundation, etc.

He is therefore a well-informed man who is well versed in development issues, the dynamics of change in the rural world and the requirements in terms of innovations to support local economic development in a partnership dynamic.

Our products/services

  • Technical expertise on project engineering and training engineering

  • Job Factory: a think tank for 21st century jobs and business ideas

  • Development of agricultural value chains and market systems for competitive agriculture

  • Sale of agricultural and livestock production equipment and accessories

Our Staff

  • BOARD : 5

  • CEO staff : 10

  • CEO : 1

  • Monitoring and evaluation experts : 2

  • Values chains technicals assistant : 2

  • Accountants : 2

  • Technical Assistants : 2

  • Volunteers : 3

  • Consultants : 15

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