In 2021, Tanager commissioned the research firm CIDS within the framework of the SELEVER 2 programme to conduct a study “Analysis of the Poultry Market in Burkina Faso – Projet Soutenir l’Exploitation Familiale pour Lancer l’Elevage des Volailles et Valoriser l’Economie Rurale phase 2”.

This study surveyed about 1100 actors from different links of the poultry market system, service providers and regulatory actors in six regions: Boucle du Mouhoun, Centre West, Centre South, Hauts Bassins, Cascades and Centre. The results of this study, shared at a forum in December 2021, illustrate that

– 1.6 million poultry farming households in rural areas, 34% of which are women

– 84.7 million poultry estimated

– 188 billion FCFA of wealth created by the poultry sub-sector

– 7.32% of national wealth generated by poultry farming

– 154 billion FCFA of annual financial flows at the national level

In view of the sector’s potential, business models were suggested to SMEs and recommendations were made to the various stakeholders to facilitate the sector’s growth.